-----Original Message----- From: Dr. Imre Bartfai To: PICLIST@MITVMA.MIT.EDU Date: Thursday, December 10, 1998 9:31 AM Subject: Re: 12c50x Smartcard >here (in Hungary) there is a supplier which sell a 16C84/16F84 based >smartcard. There is a big disadvantage IMHO: an external clock must be That's exactly the main issue with the 16x84 cards (see attachment). There are usually two flavours: with/without (external - to PIC) EEPROM. >provided (not only xtal but oscillator), and there is only ONE (!) I/O >pin, and it is the RB.7. It is pretty expensive: about $12. Not much more expensiver than a normal 16x84 chip. Anyhow, the pinout and functionality of the 12c50x fits perfectly to a smartcard. I am wondering just how long it will take for a manufacturer to use this ones for a card. Attachment converted: wonderland:MM2GOLD.GIF (GIFf/JVWR) (00021172)