I'm thinking of just using a couple 8 bit serial in parallel out shift registers to drive address (and maybe control lines) of the SRAM, and using 8 bits of I/O on the PIC. Serializing the address lines could save a lot of pins. Tristating the data lines could allow them to be used for some other purposes (reading switches through resistors or something like that). A serial SRAM would sure be nice! EDN ran a special section on SRAMs in a recent edition, but did not mention serial SRAMs. I wrote the author. He replied that he thought the die size of a large SRAM (say 32 Kbyte) was too large to fit in a small package (like maybe 8 pin DIP), so they needed the larger package and just used the pins that came with the larger package. I don't really mind the larger pacakge, I just don't want to use all my PIC pins! Harold Harold Hallikainen harold@hallikainen.com Hallikainen & Friends, Inc. See the FCC Rules at http://hallikainen.com/FccRules and comments filed in LPFM proceeding at http://hallikainen.com/lpfm ___________________________________________________________________ You don't need to buy Internet access to use free Internet e-mail. Get completely free e-mail from Juno at http://www.juno.com/getjuno.html or call Juno at (800) 654-JUNO [654-5866]