Dave, Motorola is still pushing a lot of 6805-based cores for dedicated applications. Though I love the 68HC11 it probably takes a few decades to get production quantities unless you make cars and trucks... FRAMs, in my humble opinion, have failed to gain general acceptance due to their price, their inability to provide production quantities, and the advances in FLASH technology. Despite earlier comments, FRAMs have absolutely no resemblance to magnetic core memory of long ago. They used ferrite rings with a couple of select wires and a sense wire. - Tom At 02:33 AM 12/7/98 EST, Dave Duley wrote: >In a message dated 12/5/98 7:02:25 PM Pacific Standard Time, mtdesign@FAST.NET >writes: > ><< > If you can get them. I've only managed samples and outrageous lead tiems. > They must be made by Mot > > ANdy > >> >Hi Andy >I hear you here. I hear Motorolla just announced that they were discontinuing >almost all of their 68705 cpus and several 6811 derivatives. The 68705 is a >sucky cpu anyway but it will send alot of people running for somthing new that >have been using these things for years. > >The Frams have been around for a number of years. I wonder why they havent >more of a following than they do? > >The parallax thing is by Soulution Cubed and is a 8K X 8 module that is spoken >to serially. It lookes like it is logic level standard rs232 type serial. >Kinda large though. > >Dave Duley > >