I'm not sure why you would use a brand new, possibly more expensive part in replacement for a 16c77. The flash parts are going to have a 10-bit A/D, with 2 registers for the result. That's the only difference I've been able to pic (no pun) out of the datasheet since yesterday. And of course, the new flash programming specifications. -Dave >Date: Tue, 8 Dec 1998 11:21:55 +0100 >Reply-To: pic microcontroller discussion list >From: Caisson >Subject: Re: Availability of 16F877 >To: PICLIST@MITVMA.MIT.EDU > >> Van: Marc >> Aan: PICLIST@MITVMA.MIT.EDU >> Onderwerp: Re: Availability of 16F877 >> Datum: zondag 6 december 1998 20:31 > >Hello Marc, > > > >> How compatible is it to the 16C77? I have a 16C77 HEX file that I don't >> have the source of. I can't do changes to it, except for hex editing >> single commands (to not move stuff around). Can I use the 16F877 with >> that software? > >Maybe you could disassemble the code ... I have heard that MPLAB can do it >for you, but to write a dis-assembler yourself should be (and is, I've >'build' one in QBasic for the 16C84 and 17C44) quite easy. > >Greetz, > Rudy Wieser ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at http://www.hotmail.com