Good suggestions from jcline, mbonner, adriadm & jory incorporated, how's this: I haven't done tons of HTML, Jonathan; I have an HTML to Text tool, I'll play with that as we go here. I'd throw this at my web space at NWLink, if I do that. (Might change ISP's eventually, so I may snag web space elsewhere.) Subject line, something like "PICList Mini-FAQ {Revised Dec. 06, 1998} - How to unsubscribe" --- Begin Paste --- LIST ETIQUETTE HTML posts are not workable on the PICList; Many recipients on the PICList cannot read your post if you have HTML turned on when you post. Please turn HTML off when you post to the PICList, for fellow list members' sake! Many pieces of newer software (Particularly NetScape, MSIE, and Outlook Express) start off with HTML ON as the default for all posts. Also, you might look for the "Address Book Card" option and disable it (It just wastes bandwidth for most people on the PICList.) {MW note: Anyone want to work on a quick web page on how to set up different browsers properly to work with the PicList? I just use NetScape right now, may try Opera next} Off topic posts should start with [OT], or at least include it somewhere in the subject line, not [ot], not {OT}, etc. (This lets users who get lots of e-mail keep a manageable number of filters.) Try to use descriptive subject lines (eg: "Problem with TMR0 interrupt", or "16F84 Oscillator not starting", not "Question" or "Help Me!") Also, if you set the PICList to send you a daily digest: Be sure to correct manually the subject line as appropriate when replying to a message, otherwise the reply will appear with a subject like "Re: PICLIST Digest - 2 Dec 1998 to 3 Dec 1998", not "Re: 16F84 Oscillator not starting" which was what you were replying to, and it will fragment the discussion somewhat. The list is for the purpose of discussing PICs for the most part, some humor happens here of course, keep it in balance, though, please - if you MUST post humor to the list, please cut off all the forwards and so on to keep the post size down, some people pay per byte they get in e-mail, so think minimalist here. {MW Note: Trying to say to just keep it to the setup & punch line } Binaries should be for the most part kept OFF the list (Post a URL for people to download it themselves, or e-mail to just those who request it), for the same reason; Source code is treated differently, if you need to show a piece of code to ask for help in debugging it, but if you can put it on a web page that's perhaps even better & is {MW Note: I think? Folks?} preferred. {Some really like the code in-line, as they read the PICList off-line; so maybe that should be Binaries NO, Source Yes?} Replies automatically get sent to the PIClist by default. So, if you intend a personal reply, make sure you're sending to the right address (remove the PICList from the addresses in your e-mail program.) HANDY LINKS {What I want to have here is just a few handy links that'll get newbies off & running, not necessarily one comprehensive list - A pointer *to* a comprehensive list would be ideal. I've used David Tait's PIC links, so I put that in here, I'll definitely take suggestions, maybe make a link to a comprehensive list? Is there a PIC WebRing?} Microchip Corporation, Manufactures PICs: PICList Archive: ?????. {MW Note: I'm offline & I'm not sure which of several URLs I have is the right one; Someone please remind me & I'll fix this } Jonathan's PICmicro Meta-URL List: David Tait's PIC Links: FFFAQ - Very-frequently asked questions The differences between the 16C84 and the 16F84 are, that the F84 part has more register space & more program space & EEProm storage, and that some of the code protection bits are inverted - and there are more code protection options. If you don't code protect your 16x84 parts, you should be able to interchange most everything else - reading the data sheets, of course, is a GOOD idea, as always, they are on Microchip's web pages. {From memory, corrections for better accuracy welcomed, I've been meaning to re-read these data sheets, mostly 16C622 & 16C66 stuff until lately. } LIST SERVER COMMANDS {I'll put a quick "how to get a refcard" summary in here, just a 1-liner, for Folks needing to look up Set Repro, etc.} HOW TO UNSUBSCRIBE There is ONLY one way that works to get off the list. Please, DO NOT post to the whole list. A post to the list goes to all subscribers, gets everyone angry with you; And, you don't get off the list that way! Do NOT post to me requesting an unsubscribe. I CANNOT unsubscribe you. I will simply delete your request, perhaps after sending you a copy of this Mini-FAQ. YOU and only you can unsubscribe yourself. Post to: LISTSERV@MITVMA.MIT.EDU (i.e. mailto:LISTSERV@MITVMA.MIT.EDU) from the address at which you are subscribed, containing nothing but unsubscribe PICList in the first line of the message, from the address at which you are subscribed. This is automatically executed. The message must contain the exact words "unsubscribe PICList", no other spelling works. AND, you must have HTML turned OFF, or the list server will NOT understand what you're saying. If you are trying to unsubscribe from an address different from the one you subscribed from, you must include that original address like this: on the first line of the message: unsubscribe PICList Good luck! Mark Willis, --- End Paste ---