On Sat, 5 Dec 1998, Graham Daniel wrote: > CV joins on cars sometimes use a rubber disk/s along the shaft to absorb > vibration, kind of like ringing a bell and then damping the ring by > application of hand. I am sure most of us could match piezos to much > more useful tasks. The nice part about piezo dampers is, that they have no moving parts, and no hollows volumes in them, which makes producing them so much easier. I strongly suspect that the baseball damper is of the new polymer piezo kind, and I believe that more of this will be seen soon in tennis roquets and other sports inplements. I could also see it used in small yacht's booms and even sails and in small aircarft's thin aerodynamic surfaces. I think that the piezo polymer can be laminated together with conductive plastic to form a vibration-killing coating/mat that can be applied to anything. imho this is a very high tech use for the piezo effect. Peter