Hi John, Thanks for your interesting answer: Have you already try ? Is it possible to translate this method to serial link (2 wires) > |So, what techniques are people using to make sure that the salve pics > |always detect the start bit of a host request message even tho they > |might be in the middle of doing something ?? > > One handy trick (for some applications) is to have the slaves always > listening for incoming data except when a command is sent which says, > in essense, "now go do stuff". Once that command is sent, the master > must then refrain from sending data over the bus or else it might not > be heard. The "now go do stuff" may be implicit in some or all comm- > ands, or it may be explicit (e.g. if your PICs are controlling stepper > motors, you could have commands to load each PIC's intended position, > and then a command to make them all go "there"). > > Another trick, if each command/packet is preceeded by a null or break > in addition to some other form of block header is to have the slave > units check the state of the communications line in their main loop. > If it's high, the master isn't in the process of sending a null or > break. The slaves then only need to check the line fast enough to > ensure that they don't miss the entire null or break; they may get a > fair number of false triggers (since the line will sometimes be low > because the master's sending other data) but as soon as the slave finds > out it false-triggered it can resume its main loop. > > Both of these tricks can be very useful if the slave units have to perform > tasks like RC pot measurement which are time critical while they're being > done, but which do not need to be done at absolutely regular intervals. In > some cases, of course, other methods will be more suitable. >