I just took a look at the data sheet for this part, and think it might fit the bill for a design I have been trying to get to for the past several months. Essentially, its a timer-controller for some mechanical equipment. It must display a time, have it programmable for up to 59 minutes, 59 seconds. When the time expires, it turns on some outputs, watches some inputs, and then resets and begins the cycle again. Being that the timer must be programmable, I was thinking of using the 16F84 to do the timing job, and some 16C7x type (need plenty of I/O) for the controller. Since this new breed of chips has EEPROM for data, I should be able to roll this all into this part. I am planning on using a serial LCD setup, I bought one of the Scott Edwards units, to at least get rolling on that part. OK, now for some questions, just to make sure I am not heading down the wrong path. This part has a serial port. So does the LCD pack. Is it as simple as it looks to just connect them up together? Just send the serial data down the data lines? Who/where does the serial clock stuff get setup? Since I want to decrement several 'timers' at the same time, it would seem prudent to use the TMR0 input. I've never bothered to use TMR before, and was reading thru some old mail about them (I save everything that I think might be important later), so I can set it up, given the correct clock frequency, to have it roll around every 1 second and so my main loop is doing two things - watching for a mode change or watching for this TMR to roll over and thus I then decrement my internal count value (just a register) and send the new value down the serial port to display on the LCD's. Thats probably enuf for now. Any comments would be appreciated. hcooper@es.com