Hi there! At the moment I am trying to build a small transceiver in the ISM range around 433 MHz. For this, I want to use a 12C508 and a small transmitting and receiving device. There are two companies that offer a complete transmitter and a receiver in a single IC case. As always, there are setbacks. The first company does not want to part with their ICs, instead they want to make an offer for the entire development (VERY costly). The other company just announced that the first workable prototypes will be available in February (Thomson CSF). So at the moment I am looking for some other manufacturer of such ICs, preferably with a synthesizer, a dual conversion receiver and probably the modulator/demodulator also included on the IC, preferably controlled by I2C or similar interface. Has anybody come across one of these things? Thanks in advance Jochen DH6FAZ jf @ detektor.de