> Dear colleagues, > > It's the first time that I program a PIC microcontroller and I'm > experiencing a little problem. I'm working with a UV erasable PIC12C508 > and so far I erased the device correctly. The calibration value for the > internal oscillator was obviously erased, but I don't know how to > reprogram this value. I have a document (DS40139D) downloaded from the > Microchip Web Page and it says that "the calibration value must be read > prior to erasing the part, so it can be reprogrammed correctly later". I > read the value that was pre-programmed, but there isn't any kind of > information about reprogramming this calibration value. > Could someone help me with this problem? It's fundamental to me this > calibration value because I'm using the internal oscillator. > Regards, > You need at the end of your code ORG 1FFH ;assuming '508 movlw xx ;where xx is the CAL value you wrote down For OTP parts the above has already been done by MChip.