Hi Piclist, I am trying to locate the cause of parity errors reported by MSComm (VB6) in a 40 byte transfer, 8 bits data, odd parity, 56000 baud as below. The subject is off topic BUT I am sending the PC the info with a PIC16C74A, and I spent some time trying to locate a fault in my parity generation *.asm file before finally finding a bug on the PC/VB6(MSComm) side by using different PC UART hardware buffer sizes, this moved the apparent parity error into new positions and out of the original position. So.. before someone flames me for talking to the list about the PC end of the problem.. Any ideas ? I am hoping I will not need to rewrite in C++ or change my data format but am running out of reasons why the PC should lose/corrupt my parity bits. MSComm setup is below: Private Sub Form_Load() With MSComm1 .InputMode = comInputModeText .CommPort = 1 .Handshaking = comXOnXoff .Settings = "56000,O,8,1" .ParityReplace = "_" .InBufferSize = 512 .InputLen = 40 .PortOpen = True End With End Sub regards, Graham Daniel.