One problem here, the HP's receiver circuitry is limited to only a couple of inches, i guess to keep people from cheeting on tests, The transmit range, however, is much farther, In fact i can use my hp to turn on my tv from accross the room (more than 10ft). Also, the signals are inverted, that is, no IR light means 1 while IR light means 0. Hope this helps. (I myself am planning on interfacing my HP to a MCU using its IR capabilities, but i havent tried anything yet.) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ A member of the PI-100 Club: 3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841971693993751 058209749445923078164062862089986280348253421170679 On Tue, 1 Dec 1998 MattBeck@AOL.COM wrote: > Not sure of the other methods used, but I know the HP48 series is half duplex > serial com. It is software timed, the acutal IR led, and IR phototransistor > are memory mapped. There is no modulation or demodulation to worry about but > range is limited to about 12". Just use a phototransistor to read and a IR led > to write to the Hp48 using normal (8,N,1) serial com. (2400baud max). Matt >