> EWB -layout is actual the UltiBoard layout package. I've got experience > with it, and I cannot say I'm happy with it (That's an understatement !). I'd have to second that understatement. I have UltiBoard Designer series (about US$10k) and I've battled with it for long enough. It's going in the rubbish. It's not a decision taken lightly but I can't see the point in paying for updates to get more beta versions and hoping that they might get it right eventually. In the mean time, I am better off with something that doesn't rename half of my GND net to something else. What to replace it with ? Here, PADS and Protel seem to have the market to themselves. PADS seems to have matured in the Windows environment compared to the earlier offerings. With the DRE option it is quite a capable system for general PCB use. I haven't had a play with Protel98 but the previous version seemed to be heading in the right direction in a Protel sort of way. You have the ability to write components for it which is quite attractive. PADS is cheaper at an entry level than Protel but the price soon rockets up if you need more capability. Having been burnt once by buying something that wasn't supported here, I am reluctant to do it again but I am quite impressed with CSiEDA from Korea. It's quite cheap (it's good to have an economic crisis sometimes) and includes a lot of the things that you usually only see in the higher versions of PC software. (www.csieda.com). Steve. ====================================================== Steve Baldwin Electronic Product Design TLA Microsystems Ltd Microcontroller Specialists PO Box 15-680, New Lynn http://www.tla.co.nz Auckland, New Zealand ph +64 9 820-2221 email: steveb@tla.co.nz fax +64 9 820-1929 ======================================================