Paul Phillips wrote: > I'm trying to check to see if PORTB (0-7) are low (all). I'm also > wising to check a value (in W) whether it matches that PORTB value. 1a. 1b. TSTF PORTB TSTF PORTB SKPZ SKPNZ GOTO NOT_ZERO_PORTB GOTO ZERO_PORTB ; execute code for zero variant ; execute code for non zero variant ; ... ; ... GOTO NEXT_PART GOTO NEXT_PART NOT_ZERO_PORTB: ZERO_PORTB: ; execute code for non zero variant ; execute code for zero variant ; ... ; ... NEXT_PART: NEXT_PART: ; ... ; ... 2a. 2b. XORWF PORTB,W XORWF PORTB,W ANDLW 0b11110000 ANDLW 0b11001100 ;comparing mask' s SKPNZ SKPZ GOTO W_EQUAL_PORTB GOTO W_NOT_EQUAL_PORTB ; ... ; ... Comparing mask bits mean that only bits marked as "1" are needed for comparision. Other bits are suppressed. WBR Dmitry.