Hi, I have to do the same thing. I have to use a PIC16C63 to communicate between a PC and a fully implemented I2C-bus with many slaves. It all comes down on : protocolconvertor RS232-I2C. So if you know anything or get something could you forward it to me please. I'll do the same. Greetings from Glenn Goovaerts Let me know something !!! -----Original Message----- From: Spk41q@AOL.COM To: PICLIST@MITVMA.MIT.EDU Date: samedi 28 novembre 1998 20:14 Subject: Two or more PICS sharing one memory >Hello, > >Is it possible that 2 or more PIC share one memory? > >Perhaps using I2C ? > >I think about an aplication needing that : >-one pic is master - rights to write and read and have priority >-others PICS are slave just read. no priority > >Every things on this subject (pointers, code, opinion...) will be useful. > >Have a nice day >Dan >