You could try and E-field detector. Basically a simple whip antenna, with a FET amplifier stage. I guess a loop antenna would be more directional and disctriminating. To make this specific to power lines, you would need a 60Hz filter of some sort. This could be implemented with a PIC A/D easily enough. Good examples of suitable circuitry (without the filter) can be found by search the web for VLF , VVLF receivers. People use them for listening to RF being given off by the Aurora Borealis (SP), and other interesting things. Cheers, Don At 06:32 PM 11/28/98 +0200, you wrote: >Hi there all > >a bit of a question, who knows how to detect high voltage AC power lines (overhead ones) from 30meters and above? I need to know when I am near one and have enough time to react. > >Regards >Richard Parsons > >