Alan, If you have access to a Linux or other Unix machine, there is GPL'd PCB layout program called, inventively enough, "PCB". It is a Unix/X11 port of the old Atari PCB program from the early '90s. The bulk of the work was done by Thomas Nau, but most recent maintenace work has been done by Harry Eaton. The most recent stable release is 1.6.3 which was released in May '98. This version has Gerber RS274X and NC drill file output, eight layers, some netlist support, and SMD capability. It does not do autorouting. There are about 1200 parts defined including around a dozen PICs; it is straightfoward to add more. There is a 67-page manual and a tri-fold reference card included in the source distribution. I've only tinkered with it a little and have never used it all the way to a physical PCB, so I can't say what sorts of problems it has. But it does seem to have a fair bit of promise. You can find the .tar.gz'd sources at harry/PCB/ or . Since it is GPL'd, the PCB program and the source are freely available, and you can make whatever enhancements you wish. --Bob On Sat, 28 Nov 1998, you wrote: >I dont really want to re-hash an old topic. But I was wondering if there is >any really good shareware or freeware PCB Layout software. > >Alan -- ============================================================ Bob Drzyzgula It's not a problem until something bad happens ============================================================