Gary Chung wrote: > I can log into the server. What's wrong ??? > Sylwester #azar wrote: > > #micro > > Tried from Sydney, Australia. tells me "Unauthorized connection". I can't log into it either. It may have a restricted address mask. I manage an IRC network inside Compaq, so I know how to fix it, but they probably chose the restriction for a reason. Next time, recommend a server that we can all use, Sylwester. ;-0 -- James Cameron ( OpenVMS, Linux, Firewalls, Software Engineering, CGI, HTTP, X, C, FORTH, COBOL, BASIC, DCL, csh, bash, ksh, sh, Electronics, Microcontrollers, Disability Engineering, Netrek, Bicycles, Pedant, Farming, Home Control, Remote Area Power, Greek Scholar, Tenor Vocalist, Church Sound, Husband. "Specialisation is for insects." -- Robert Heinlein.