Radboud Verberne wrote: > has some made a printerbuffer with a PIC/AVR? If not it would be a > nice starting project for an AVR processor. (I already know the PIC's) Well, I was wondering if he would comment, but he hasn't, so ... Don, at http://www.dontronics.com used some years back, to make printer buffer (kit)s using a Z-80 processor and DRAM/ SIMM memory. I don't think however that he still seriously markets these, so ... You could use an AVR, however this is the sort of application for which "microprocessors" are better than "microcontrollers". Some µCs such as the MC68HC16 IIRC and the 8051s have a µP "mode" where they emit device select signals which can be used easily. 68HC11s in expanded mode of course suit with decoders. You need parallel input *and* output interfaces with handshaking, for which purpose-built dual port chips are appropriate, and the interface to your DRAM which takes quite a few lines. -- Cheers, Paul B.