Brian Striggow wrote about the Cell Phone instead of Parka problem; William Chops Westfield wrote SAR work stories "from the nether reaches of SAR Hell"; There's a solution; Charge the rescuee for their rescue. Plenty of precedent here, though IMHO it should only be used to penalize BOZOS, not people who took reasonable care & got stuck anyways - bad things happen once in a while, to those who try to prevent them. And frequently to those who don't! The following story is an example of how hard that dividing line can be to define... A couple guys here in Washington State were flying their aircraft up over the top of Mount Rainier (at which height a typical small aircraft has about 14 feet per minute climb rate.) They encountered a nice downdraft (200 to 400+ fpm wind speeds and more are common), and ended up, well let's be nice & call it "Landed safely" atop Mount Rainier, as they walked away. As they were dressed in shorts & shirtsleeves type clothing (not winter clothes, they had nothing much along in the way of survival gear either), they walked over into the steam caves & spent the night alternating baking on one side & freezing on the other, was what I heard; The next morning, "Cookie Monster" (Nickname, he's a neat pilot, really careful & knows what he's doing - I'll do SAR flying with him any time. So nicknamed because he always carries homemade cookies his wife makes for him, I'm told; he didn't share with me ) - anyways, he tracked down their ELT (Emergency Locator Transmittor), and "tossed his cookies" - to the guys on the ground. (Yep, it's a oft-told story.) They were pretty pleased to have these for breakfast... They were rescued without incident, once found. Supposedly, the Park Service ended up threatening these guys with legal action if they didn't get their "littering" airplane off the Park Services' nice clean mountain right away. (There was a newspaper headline on that IIRC...) I guess they hired a heavy-lift helicopter or something, and retreived their plane. Bet that was expensive, but considering they lived through it all, it could've been far worse... Washington State is hard to do search work in (No easy task finding a broken evergreen top from an airplane hitting a tree, when you're looking at a mountainside with 200 broken-off tree tops from the ice storm last week. And evergreens are nice & dense, so you cannot see through very well... I've used a lot of signals on the ground & smoke bombs on practice searches, that search aircraft just couldn't see through the trees! Best bet (IF it's sunny, iffy here ) is a mirror or strobe - one practice search, one team flashed a signal mirror at a passing plane 20 miles away "just for fun", the pilot called the signal in, and some serious butt chewing resulted, I'm told... The real difference between aircraft use of cell phones, and mountaintop use of cell phones, is that the cells are designed with the mountains' existence in mind, cells in remote areas are usually pretty large, and there is very little call volume compared to in the city. In the city, the cells are intentionally much smaller (and being made smaller each time they re-work things!), there's usually much more call volume per cell, etc. (For example there are 3 repeater sites last I checked, for US West alone, covering the Auburn/Kent/South Bellevue area) - and as the cells are smaller - here's the problem - if you're in an aircraft that hits 2 repeater sites using the same frequencies, instead of one, it can have problems getting a dial tone, also as aircraft speed's faster than typical car speed you can switch cell zones (each repeater has multiple antennae usually & you can have 2 calls on adjacent channels on two sides but not always on the same side, etc.) The good news is that cell phone calls have one heck of an attenuation rate with disatance through the atmosphere, so if you were in the space shuttle & tried to get a dial tone, I'm not sure you'd be lucky (I'm not a radio engineer, I've used a lot of radio gear though mostly HF & so on, but I talked to a lot of Cell Phone engineers at US West New Vector while there.) Mark,