On Sun, 15 Nov 1998, Sean Breheny wrote: > Gee, I'm just wondering why a hospital would want to stop cell phones? My > first guess was to prevent them from interfereing with sensitive medical > equipment. If so, then any of the suggestions of jamming and sheilding > wouldn't help things much. ;) I guess you can run about in a hospital using a cellular all the time for about a year or so. Then, one day, you will stop someone's breather or whatnot. But before that you will annoy a lot of people talking to yourself under signs that say 'QUIET'. BTW an anti-cellular thingy would be high on the wish lists of some other places too, such as public libraries, restaurants and some bars. It could be quite a product. My idea was to make an ARDF that locks on the strongest transmission around and put a 50 Watt Parlight or strobe flasher on him/her using a servo ;) I guess people would react REAL fast to that. It's not even hard to do with the phasing method imho. 4 quarter lambda stubs poking out of the light housing mounted on az/el servos and a 4-way PIN switch plus a simple receiver and a PIC... Peter