People expressed an interest in my random LED flasher code for 12C509. Here it is. Please be gentle, I'm a novice on PICs. ;-) Briefly; - twenty four bit random number generator, derived from Scott Edwards Parallax RANDOM code on the Dontronics site, - five outputs, masked with a counter, to yield five frequencies of random flashes, - SLEEPs and uses the WDT to wake, 1:16 prescaler. -- James Cameron ( OpenVMS, Linux, Firewalls, Software Engineering, CGI, HTTP, X, C, FORTH, COBOL, BASIC, DCL, csh, bash, ksh, sh, Electronics, Microcontrollers, Disability Engineering, Netrek, Bicycles, Pedant, Farming, Home Control, Remote Area Power, Greek Scholar, Tenor Vocalist, Church Sound, Husband. "Specialisation is for insects." -- Robert Heinlein. proto equ 0 ; we are prototyping on 16F84 ; change to zero for final burn if proto == 1 processor 16f84 list f=inhx8m include "" __CONFIG _CP_OFF & _WDT_ON & _HS_OSC else processor 12c509 list f=inhx8m include "" __CONFIG _MCLRE_OFF & _CP_OFF & _WDT_ON & _IntRC_OSC endif ; general purpose register allocation ; first common free address as per ; p12 of 12c509 spec ; p13 of 16f84 spec beat equ 0x0c ranl equ 0x0d ranm equ 0x0e ranh equ 0x0f if proto == 1 ; which port to use port equ PORTB else port equ GPIO endif m_input equ b'00000000' ; input mask, which bits are input org 0x00 ; reset vector if proto != 1 movwf OSCCAL ; store oscillator calibration endif goto main dt "ax6 1998-10-11 flasher" reinitialise: ; set up ports if proto == 1 ; are we on 16f84? clrf TMR0 bsf STATUS,RP0 ; select register bank 1 clrwdt movlw b'11111100' ; assign 1:16 prescaler to WDT movwf OPTION_REG bsf STATUS,RP0 movlw m_input movwf TRISB bcf STATUS,RP0 else ; otherwise 12c509 clrwdt clrf TMR0 movlw b'11011100' ; assign 1:16 prescaler to WDT option ; ... and disabled TOCS movlw m_input tris GPIO endif retlw 0 initialise: ; clear the random number seed movlw 0xa5 movwf ranh movwf ranm movwf ranl retlw 0 alive: ; update the LED drivers incf beat,f movf beat,w andwf ranl,w movwf port retlw 0 random: ; find next random number movf ranl,w ; check total value zero iorwf ranh,w btfsc STATUS,Z comf ranh,f ; invert some bits if so movlw 0x80 btfsc ranh,6 xorwf ranh,f btfsc ranh,4 xorwf ranh,f btfsc ranl,3 xorwf ranh,f bcf STATUS,C ; clear the carry flag btfsc ranh,7 ; if the high bit is set ... bsf STATUS,C ; ... set also the carry flag rlf ranl,f rlf ranm,f rlf ranh,f retlw 0 main: btfsc STATUS,NOT_TO ; if this is a reset or power-up ... call initialise ; ... clear random number seed call reinitialise ; set port drivers and WDT prescaler main_1: call alive ; update LED outputs call random ; find next random number sleep ; sleep for next WDT wakeup goto main_1 end