>Instead, build a society that >encourages the creation of NEW wealth. > >BillW Capitalism is not the solution, as it proves everyday; Like paying huge amount of money to companies that steal from our children?? Reources that have taken a thousand million years to accumulate like oil, coal minerals uranium etc? And not care about the poisoning effects? And why do people earn different just because they "sit on different chairs"? etc... We must have the visions leading us, although we all at the same time depend on money, money, money (Groan) /Morgan Morgan Olsson ph +46(0)414 70741 MORGANS REGLERTEKNIK fax +46(0)414 70331 H€LLEKS (in A-Z letters: "HALLEKAS") SE-277 35 KIVIK, SWEDEN mrt@iname.com ___________________________________________________________