Thank you Myke;

>What type of programmer hardware/software are you using?
 I am using ITUPIC-1 programmer which  software cannot interface MPLAB 3.99

>For other programmers, you'll have to contact the manufacturer.
 Sure it would be different story for me if were here with us. What a shame
he is gone

At 01:35 PM 11/12/98 -0500, you wrote:
>Eduardo asked:
>> Hi;
>> Does anybody know how to save the calibration data on a 12c58/jw chip?
>What type of programmer hardware/software are you using?
>If it's a PICStart Plus, it's dependant on the version of MPLAB you're using.
>If it's < 3.99 then you will have to go into "Editor" mode and read it using
>the PSP.
>If it's 3.99 then you should be able to read it directly from the programmer
>For other programmers, you'll have to contact the manufacturer.
>Good luck,
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