At 21:13 1998-11-11 -0500, you wrote: >At 05:38 PM 11/11/98 -0800, you wrote: >>>OK, then, try the communist way (which i prefer): >>I came from a former communist country ( Hungary ) >>I am living in the States now, Thank God! >>Trust me the communist way millions of time worst then the capitalist. >>Just check what they achive within 70 years in Russia and 40 years in the >>rest of the communist countries. >>I would call that demolition. Certainly, and that was *not* communism in those countries. Just compare how theese countries were led to the communist idea! Thoose countries were led by mega-capitalists trying to make profit from the citicen, using "communism" as a cover. The people that started the revolution had the right ideas but then too strong ego people took over, like Stalin and CO, driven by: right money and power, not peoples best. They were as far from communins as can be. Another mistake in theese countries was the mega-company-like centralization causing voulnerability, transport problems, slow response of demand-production, etc. And now as Russia is forcing towards even *more* capitalism, we see seven extremely rich capitalists having so much power that they can corrupt the politicians, stop laws they dont like etc. All with support from western countries. Just saw a documentary about that. What frightens me, is that the European Community is developing in the same direction of running millions of people like we were a copany; centralization of politic power, centralization of production, and as is works in reality the biggest companies can force power to politicians for their own benefit, etc, etc... subvention of dangerous and environmental nasty daily transport of people and products, etc... With happy faces we are building the old style "communist" Soviet! Or Roman empire, etc. Do we never learn? /Morgan Morgan Olsson ph +46(0)414 70741 MORGANS REGLERTEKNIK fax +46(0)414 70331 HLLEKS (in A-Z letters: "HALLEKAS") SE-277 35 KIVIK, SWEDEN ___________________________________________________________