owner-piclist@MITVMA.MIT.EDU wrote: I've used the linx modules as well as the RFM units. The Linx modules are good and have 8 digitally selectable channels on both modules. This is interesting as you could conceivably build yourself a basic spread spectrum system. (Linx will put one out next year). Their bit slicing process is a bit of a pain though as you are required to train the receiver with a preamble. However, this is quite effective. They are also in the process of building transceivers in the same form factor as ONE of the modules and including spread spectrum. RFM also has reliable units. Their evaluation kit includes a tranceiver board with the RX and TX hybrid packs, an audio amp, and an antenna switch. They work quite well too, and the source code was made available to us on a non-disclosure basis. Both have their advantages. I like the RFM modules because they are quite discrete and reasonable $$. The Linx modules are larger, and have better range and speed characteristics, but are more $$. I figure a guy can design his own for cheap, but unless you are building thousands, the design costs can't be justified. Then there is the pain of the FCC and DOC testing. Booking an antenna test range to do radiated spurious responses, etc, etc, etc, etc. Craig -----Original Message----- From: STEVE TOMES To: PICLIST@MITVMA.MIT.EDU Date: Wednesday, November 11, 1998 8:22 PM Subject: Tx,, RX, TRANSCIEVER modules Craig, thanks for the swift reply. Can you steer me in the direction of the"RFM " products? web address?? Thanks again Steve Tomes ____________________________________________________________________ More than just email--Get your FREE Netscape WebMail account today at http://home.netscape.com/netcenter/mail ____________________________________________________________________ More than just email--Get your FREE Netscape WebMail account today at http://home.netscape.com/netcenter/mail