I am using the PIC12C671 8-pin PIC to simply take continuous samples of a signal (10Hz-1KHz sine wave) using the integrated A/D converter. In the data book, there are the following timing specifications. Delay #1: Aquisition time that starts after channel selection, A/D clock selection, to then intiating the A/D conversion process Delay #2: Time it takes for the A/D module to make a conversion. Delay #3: Time after the conversion is complete to when the next aquisition can start. (defined as 2*TAD) For my application, I would like to take as many samples per second as possible. After each sample, I will compare the A/D value (ADRES) to the highest measured value from previous samples. A signal from another PIC will reset process. In other words, I am creating a custom peak detector. It works great! Delay #2 is something beyond the programmers control. The A/D conversion will finish, when it finishes. When it does, the GO/DONE# bit will return low. Delay #3 is required since the holding capacitor is not attached to the A/D input during this time, which occurs directly after conversion stops. BUT! For delay #1, since all my code does is sample this ONE A/D channel over and over, do I need to wait this aquisition time after the 1st sample and each one thereafter? Reducing this delay, can make peak measurements of my signal a bit more accurate, by allowing more discrete samples. Please do not suggest a standard analog peak detector. I had way too much noise and accuracy problems. ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at http://www.hotmail.com