Lucky you! 8) So, you said: "table ? I dont neeg no table ?" The ? are the symbols which do not exist in my table. I only have the alfabet and digits. 8) I'm no Radio Operator... Just a curious. Could you tell me what those symbols mean? Thank you. Nuno. PS: BTW, is that a typo in your message ("neeg") or is my table wrong? 8) Mark A Moss wrote: > > On Thu, 5 Nov 1998 13:05:53 +0000 Nuno Pedrosa > writes: > >.... . .-.. .-.. --- > > > >By the way, for those who don't have a morse table handy, > >I said > > > >h e l l o > - .- -... .-.. . --..-- .. -.. --- -. - -. . . --. -. --- > - .- -... .-.. . .-... > > Mark Moss > Amateur Radio Operator, Technician, and General Tinkerer > > ___________________________________________________________________ > You don't need to buy Internet access to use free Internet e-mail. > Get completely free e-mail from Juno at > or call Juno at (800) 654-JUNO [654-5866] -- ---- ~~~~~~~ ------- Nuno Filipe Freitas Pedrosa -- ~~~~ ~~ ----- SIEMENS S.A. Portugal TEL: +351 1 4242454 - ~~~~ ~~ ---- - ~~~~ ~~ ---- "If it doesn't fit the hole, whack harder!" =======================================================================