At 12:56 1998-11-08 -0800, you wrote: >While designed to be comatible with the 5x series PICs, there are enough >differences speed-wise: 1 clock/instr., bigger stack, jitter-free >interrupt, etc that they could be considered completely different. The >programming spec is different and allows in-system programming by using >the oscillator pins instead of port I/O's. Internal hardware has also >been added to allow in-system debugging in your own target board - >you'll never need a bond-out emulator again! All interrupts are >jitter-free. From the above features, the software structure can be >considered more RTOS-ish, and the possible uses for the SX only start at >PIC replacement - there are many applications a SX will fit into that >have never been considered for an 8-bit MCU before! > >With all this in mind, I would consider the SX completely different. The >only similiarity is the instruction set/opcodes. > >Stephen Holland > Is it also exactly the same binary instruction coding? It seemed like Starfires compatible gizmo had a convert utility. Maybe they have new interesting instructions? =) I have always wondered why Micrichip wasted silicon and instruction codes on CLRW ( = ANDLW 0 ) NOP ( = BSF or BCF unused/unimplemented bit ) TRIS ( = MOVWF (Mchip recommends not to use TRIS no more anyway) ) OPTION ( = MOVWF (Mchip recommends not to use OPTION no more anyway) ) Removing this useless crap would make room for a few more usable instructions instead (without needing more instruction bits or silicon). So, probably (i dont think they are stupid) they have implemented it, or will implement it soon. (Like there were undocumented instructions in Z80 and 6502) What i have in mind: ADD / SUB with carry in. Selectable inc/dec of FSR when read/write INDF Theese would probably speed up a lot of math considerably! :) Manufacturers, are you listening? ...While you are listening: i want another FSR/INDF... with inc/dec of FSR Compatibility: If we don't use the new instructions we just run the generated old-style code from the usual assembler/compiler through a converter, like for Starfires CPU. Using the new instructions would of course need a slight change in PIC compiler and simulator, but that would not be too hard. /Morgan Morgan Olsson ph +46(0)414 70741 MORGANS REGLERTEKNIK fax +46(0)414 70331 HLLEKS (in A-Z letters: "HALLEKAS") SE-277 35 KIVIK, SWEDEN ___________________________________________________________