Just knocked up the Bresenham algorithm in a VB prog and it works well. There is an error on the web site pseudo code however. In order to specify the origin of the circle Andy quotes this as a possibility: plot (x+xcenter,y+ycenter): plot (x+xcenter, -(y+ycenter)) plot (-(x+xcenter),y+ycenter): plot (-(x+xcenter), -(y+ycenter)) plot (y+ycenter,x+xcenter): plot (y+ycenter, -(x+xcenter)) plot (-(y+ycenter),x+xcenter): plot (-(y+ycenter), -(x+xcenter)) However, this will break the circle into 4 quarters. The brackets are not needed on the negative terms: i.e. -(x+xcenter) should be -x+xcenter. Next stop, sin value extraction! Regards Mike Rigby-Jones mrjones@nortel.co.uk