Sigh... No, this is just not true. Contrary to popular opinion, viruses _cannot_ be activated by opening an email. Period. I'd like to see any virus try to get into my 'computer connection parts.' (Though I did hear of a virus that burned out MDA fixed frequency moniters by reprogramming the refresh rates on the MDA card.) Eric -----Original Message----- From: Paul Dartanian [mailto:paulig@CYBERIA.NET.LB] Sent: Thursday, November 05, 1998 9:55 AM To: PICLIST@MITVMA.MIT.EDU Subject: VIRUS WARNIMG Warning of virus!!!! Please do not open mails with the titel "GET MORE MONEY" under no circumstances!!! It will delete all things on your computer!!! Please tell as much people as possible, especially the ones that have Internet! This is a very bad virus and it is not known a lot about it. This is a message of MICROSOFT from last week! Also do not look at mails with the titel "RETURNED OR UNABLE TO DELIVER". This virus will go into your "computer connection parts" an will make them useless!!! A message from AOL said, that it is a very dangerous virus an there is no help against it yet. Please tell all your e-mail friends this immediately and take that serious!!! Best Regards Paul Dartanian