Gregory, Very useful piece of info you gave. Can you please tell me how you get a copy of the captioned booklet? Does it come out regularly?? Can it be seen on Mchip's web site (I couldn't find it)? Asking them to send a copy is almost impossible. Asking them to send regularly - haha, you have to be crazy, don't even think about it. Thanks. Bill > > Gregory Oleynikov wrote: > > > > Hanafi Tanudjaja wrote: > > > > > I want to know wether pic can be programmed to output tones which each have > > > certain duration .Some thing like singing cristmas card. > > > Has anyone in this duscussion list tried it ? > > > I just want to try in order to make my children happy (it nearly cristmas > > > day) > > > > > > Hanafi Tan > > > > You can try this attached application note from Microchip's "Desighn for > > dollars". I have tried it and everything worked well. > > Regards. > > Gregory Oleynikov > > > > ------------------------------------------------------------------------ > > > > Name: 4_018.pdf > > 4_018.pdf Type: Acrobat (application/pdf) > > Encoding: base64 > _________________________________________________________ DO YOU YAHOO!? Get your free address at