Content-Type: text/plain; X-MAPIextension=".TXT" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Dear Sir(s), I'm dealing with a compiler C17 V2.1 demo crash problem when I try to compile the Dhrystone sources attached. I'm tryng to do a benchmark on code size generated and performance when compared to other processors/compilers (80251/C251 from Keil and 68HC08/C08 from Cosmic). I use the Visual C++ 1.5 from Microsoft and the C251 from Keil to compile all of then and I get the code, despite the warning messages generated. I'll appreciate very much any help. Here are the data I have untill now using the C17 V2.1 demo: 1. Source DHRY.C: I get the following message: C:\PROGS\MPLAB\mcc\Examples\DHRY>c17demo /w1 /Ms /dNOENUM /p=17C756 dhry.c MPLAB-C17 v2.10 (demo) Copyright 1997, 1998 Microchip Technology Inc. The instruction at 0x0043bc99 referenced memory at 0xffffffff. The memory could not be read. 2. DHRY1.C: I get to many compiler errors. 3. DHRY2.C: It's DHRY1.C, trying to remive the errors. I get the message: C:\PROGS\MPLAB\mcc\Examples\DHRY>c17demo /w1 /Ms /dNOENUM /p=17C756 dhry2.c MPLAB-C17 v2.10 (demo) Copyright 1997, 1998 Microchip Technology Inc. Stack Overflow! 4. DHRY3.C: It's DHRY2.C. I was able to compile them WITH the functions Proc1 e Proc3 commented (see "/// Stack Overflow Problem!!!" comment in the file FUNCS.C), so the stack overflow compiler problem is inside this functions. Hopping that someone help me, Best Regards, Paulo Sa' E-Mail: Meta Telecomunicacoes S/A Fone/Fax: 55-51-337-1977 Ext: 250 Attachment converted: wonderland:DHRY.ZIP (pZIP/pZIP) (0001C209)