Mutlu, I have done bar graph with 8 LED's based on 16C71 mono I can easily modify it to stereo 2 channels multiplexed method but if you want to make it 32 LED's on each channel then you need to add same external IC's and modify the code for that. Let me ask you this why did you pick 54 if you are going to use it in analog environment. you can still be able to use digital input as analog input by measuring capacitor's discharge time but easy way to go is 71 or 7x. Andre mutlu dagdelen wrote: > First of all, greetings to all the subscribers as a new one on this > list. > > I am new in the subject "PIC". > I need help for a term project based on PIC16C54A. The proposal of the > project is that, > i have to drive two bargraph LEDs with 32 levels, according to output > data packages, consisting of > address, data, max val., min val.,CRC > each of 1 bytes respectively. > the data byte part of the package corresponds to the level to be > displayed on one 32-level bargraph LED. > max and min values correspond to two seperate levels in the second > bargraph LED and these levels should flash when min or max is exceeded. > > I would like to hear from those who could recommend some useful online > documentation that i would need and should have, as soon as possible. > Thanks a lot.