" MICROCHIP ACKNOWLEDGES PROBLEM -- The chip fabrication process for the PIC12C508 and 12C509 underwent a change earlier this year. This has resulted in a problem for PIC users working time-critical applications on the internal-oscillator of the part. To be brief: the 4-wire version of the modchip made on PIC12C508/9 parts is not guaranteed to work on PICs with a date code of 9813 through 9830 (12C508), 9820 through 9830 (12C509). All factory codes are affected. Since this is a fault in the chip fabrication process and not the program the chip runs, the only 100% solution at this time is to program chips in the 5-wire mode and use an external clock for these chips." from: www.aeug.org/ I found this information by accident. I have an application on a 12c508 chip date code 9823 and despite the fact is not a 'time critical application', the chip suddenly stop working without any apparent reason for the failure. Does anyone know the right source to be updated with information like this? ________ ________ ________ / / / / / /_____ /_______/ /_______/ / / \ / \ /________ / \ / \ ICQ# 10909825 \_ / \___________ erivera@umemphis.campus.mci.net