Does anyone have a PIC C compiler they wish to sell (or perhaps some other language?) - someone may have moved on to brighter and better things and have the old one gathering dust. Someone may wish to advise of a freeware product that is entirely usable but it would have to be stable and complete enough to be able to be used moderately seriously. I'm not after a copy of a commercial product - I want something that can be resold legitimately. Please reply directly to me - I'll post anything of interest & relevance which is in the freeware area. My PIC programming to date has been either in assembler and/or PICBasic. I may buy the CCS C but thought I'd inquire here first. PIC isn't the only processor I use and I don't want to spend the asking price for the latest and best "fully ANSI compatible ..." variants (not yet anyway). Yes, I've read what people say about the various products in use and realise that, to some extent, you get what you pay for. regards Russell McMahon