I have just made it so that I can send E-mail from a pic. I can read PORTB and send it in an email message. This can be done at any interval, or just stay on-line and keep sending. It can also generate web pages. Just think, put one of these in a vending machine and get the status of the machine without getting wet. Put one in your home and see if you left the TV on. I can make it interactive to read mail also. This is very exciting and so easy even beginners will be able to implement this. Will post more. Red Robert Hoar rwhoar@tecnet1.jcte.jcs.mil srhoar@global2000.net With Interest in Astronomy, Celestrial Navigation, Embedded Controls, Nuclear Power. Available for information, contact me at: ICQ #10764173 For info on :How to make your own PCB's :Drive stepper motors try