Hi, I am trying to locate a passive infrared detector (PIR) to use with a PIC, similar to a MuRata part #IMD-B101-01 (not available in North America). This part consists of a PIR and an integrated amplifier, in a very small package and operates off of 2.6 - 5.5V. With a fresnel lens (designed for this part by MuRata), it has a detection distance of about 5 m. The beauty of this part is that it was a "complete" detector solution with a digital output and it could operate off of a 5V supply. A PIC is going to be used to poll the digital output of the sensor, for use in a security monitoring application. Do any of you PIC wizards know of any other manufacturer that produces a similar part (can't use surplus parts)? I need a small package and I can't cannibalize the PIR detectors (and fresnel lens) from a cheap security or lighting unit. Thanks in advance for your help! Regards, Gary Pepper e-mail: gpepper@capitalnet.com p.s. If interested follow www link at MuRata site: http://www.murata.com/develop/catalogs/pdf/178-184.pdf The above part is on page 183.