Curious: The guy who I ran the CE tests with for the approval of our latest product told me there is no need for test equipment to fulfil the norms. If you want to sell them to an industrial envionment you have to pass the tests, though. Regards, Martin Morgan Olsson wrote: > I had a guy from the authorities here to visit (yes, on my request), and he > told that legally everything that has any semiconductor in it has to be > ce-approved. Of course everybody (also the authorities) realize that we > have to build prototypes first... But so even in-house testing equipment > should by law get ce-approved! This wise guy realized (partly as i would > not buy his testing services else...) that that is weird and economically > impossible. -- 4L GmbH Tel: +41 62 867 4000 Martin Schmid Fax: +41 62 876 3111 Oberzeiherstr. 1 CH-5079 Zeihen