My "touch circuit" is a piece of grounded wire :)). The pic somehow detects the touch (I programmed it in PicBasicPro with a simple rctime command that measures a change) which works fine - except that I cant independently reproduce it in another PIC at the same time. So I guess my question is - is there a way to give each pic its own ground? I'm using a standard wall wart 9 volt adapter with no real earth pin. Alternatively, if anyone knows how to detect touch on a wire connected to a specific pin in a more stable way... I'd be pleased to hear about it :)) thanks... >Sounds like your touch circuit needs work. >Is V- actually earth grounded? >Without knowing which way you are detecting "touch", it's hard to say. >It looks like the touch on plate A is bouncing the ground, such that >it looks like another touch occurs on plate B. > >>If I take an identically programmed pic and circuit, duplicating >everything >>except the shared power supply; I get a problem. Instead of each PIC >>responding independently to touch on - they both respond to the same >single >>touch on either PIC.