>www.vernier.com has lots of probes for sale, including a dissolved oxygen >probe for $189. Not cheap, and it's a "finished" product, not just the >sensor, but might be worth a look. Most dissolved oxygen sensors are of Clark type. It is platinum disk covered with thin polymer membrane, with some indiferent electrolyte (I believe KCl) between the platinum and the polymer. There is also reference electrode - silver wire covered with silver chloride conected to the inner solution. The Pt electrode is kept at negative potencial of ~650 mV vs. the reference and the current flowing between these two electrodes is measured. As oxygen diffuses thru the membrane it dissolves and undergoes reduction at the Pt electrode and the current is proportional to O2 concentration. The sensor is also temperature dependant. It is hard to believe that someone is selling these things for nothing... But I believe about $50 could buy you something to start with. BTW, what is your application ? Aquarium fish ? Josef ====================================================================== Electronical devices for chemical laboratory, custom electonics design ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Snail Instruments Josef Hanzal Vojanova 615 phone/fax: +420-311-24433 266 01 Beroun e-mail: snail@iol.cz Czech Republic URL: http://www.vitrum.cz/snail/ ======================================================================