On Thu, 24 Sep 1998, David W. Duley wrote: > In a message dated 9/23/98 3:28:30 PM Pacific Daylight Time, hcooper@ES.COM > writes: > > << now wait a minute!!! This has posibilties....hook into our body....and > send data streams to each other!!! > > I've always wanted a serial port...actually, kept saying I wanted a > 'cereal' port, perhaps a 'gerber' format for my kids. That way I could > just download data and see whats wrong, and upload the proper data to > them. > > This has me thinkin....hehe > >> > How about a reset buton for the wife and a volume control for the kids > > Dave Duley You will be surprised. It is available, but called scopolamine, Largactil and all this stuff. It is very easy to supply a whole city and so get control over it. There are no limits. Imre