Ok, now that almost everything that was to be said has been re: laser safety, I'd like to meekly add that I've been there and that normal IR lasers used in CD pickups, used without any kind of lens, will give hardly credible ranges in combination with SHARP GP1-XXX remote control detectors and 40 kHz modulation. 20 meters is very easy, provided you have a steady hand (as in shooting ;). The cost issue, however... I have modified a TV remote control for someone who has a large screen projection unit in the ceiling of a pub in this way and it works OK, but if you do this yourselves, use a limiting R and reverse current protection diode on the laser including while manipulating it. I do not know if the diode I used in the remote control is lasing or just leding but viewing with an IR BW camera shows characteristic laser patterning (stars). The input power is too low to do any harm, besides not being continuous. It is a 'class 2 laser product' I think, with 1-2 mW of beam power. sorry, I could not resist this. Peter