In my opinion the pic and JAVA were made for each other. The reduced intruction set of JAVA was conceived and developed primarily so it could reside using very little real estate. So yes I for one see a great future for JAVA and pic. > ---------- > From: WF AUTOMACAO[SMTP:wf@AMBIENTE.COM.BR] > Reply To: pic microcontroller discussion list > Sent: Thursday, September 24, 1998 2:53 PM > To: PICLIST@MITVMA.MIT.EDU > Subject: Re: Java? > > David Blain wrote: > > > > Does anyone know of, or would be interested in a Java Interpreter (VM) > > that would run on a pic with the p-code in a serial EEProm? > > > > Just thinking about possible future projects, and wanted to get a feel > > for the number of people interested. > > > > David. > > > > --------------------------------------------------------------- > > Humm, did you hear about Java Card? > > M. >