Hi Bill, I have the simple routine on my web page at: http://www.myke.com/PICMicro/snippet.htm myke >Hello all. > >I am working on a project that requires doing a binary to decimal >conversion using the interrupt-on-change feature on Port B of an >'F84. I have a 4 bit binary counter connected to the high bits of >port B and I need to be able to address one of 16 specific registers >corresponding to each change in binary input. The counter clock is >8kHz and the 'F84 has a 10MHz crystal so there should be plenty of >time to do the conversion and the small amount of processing I need >to do. > >I believe that binary to decimal conversion was discussed here some >time ago but I haven't been able to locate it. Any help you can give >me will be greatly appreciated. > >TIA >Bill, W3NMK > > Looking to make "Denny's" more fun? Check out Pen and Teller's "How to Play with your Food" this weeks' book. http://www.myke.com/Book_Room/book1a.htm