At 09:20 16/09/98 -0400, you wrote: >Is there a PIC16C5X DOS or Windoze simulator >(not ICE) available to single step etc. through an >assembly program as a code check? Check UMPS at, it is the fastest PC simulator available today for 16C5x, include also assembler/disassembler, Microchip assembler connection, and complex components simulator: LCD panel, I2C EEPROM, serial EEPROM, serial ADC/DAC ... Regards, Philippe. +----------------------------------------------------+ | Virtual Micro Design | | Technopole Izarbel, | | 64210 BIDART | | FRANCE | | | | Phone: ++33 559.438.458 Fax: ++33 559.438.401 | | | | E-Mail: | | URL: | +----------------------------------------------------+