Chris Eddy wrote: > Tjaart; > > I didn't read the whole thing, but got the gist. I am usually a 'put a PIC > in anything' guy, but my current limit was real simple. A TIP family part The reason I wanted to use a MOSFET and PWM was for (virtually) zero heat build-up. I've built a jig with TIP122's and opamps to charge a whole bank of NiCd's a year or so ago. I used positive feedback on the opamps. The problem remains that a 10ohm (or a 1 ohm, for that matter) is going to heat up the whole box at 2A. The MOSFET also offers you a nifty way of measuring the current (Vds) you don't have on a BJT. A 17.7A, 50V, SMD, logic gate level MOSFET is around US0.50, which is dirt cheap too. I will put a schematic on my web page tomorrow or so. Hey, it my challenge! I can set the rules! ;) -- Friendly Regards Tjaart van der Walt |--------------------------------------------------| | WASP International | |R&D Engineer : GSM peripheral services development| |--------------------------------------------------| |SMS mailto: (160 chars max)| | | |Voice: +27-(0)11-622-8686 Fax: +27-(0)11-622-8973| | WGS-84 : 26¡10.52'S 28¡06.19'E | |--------------------------------------------------|