> SONY accelerometers Sorry, but those are not accelerometers, they are gyrometers, more exactly, gyration rate change sensors ((delta - angle)/(delta - time)). They can't be used as accelerometers normally, but the CAN be used to control something that pivots about an axe (such as a pendular device - Morgan is your thing pendular ?). They can also be used in an inertial reference system for a rotary device or inertial compass (gyro compass). They suppress the unwanted axes pretty well so no shortcuts there. They are nice to play with, however ;) I also happen to have a lot of these around, good and bad, also from/for camera image stabilizers, but I'm not selling. FYI the devices you have correspond to the gyrostars by Murata and there is a data sheet and a preamplifier schematic on their web site. hope this helps, Peter