John Payson wrote: > > One thing I was wondering about but didn't really see mentioned: if one is PWM 'ing a motor while > trying to measure its speed (via back EMF) what is the preferred way of handli ng inductive kick- > back from the motor? This could be done by a short delay preceding the measurement. But I4ve 2 more problems: The Moror is a series-wound-type ( mdrklin ) so how to get backemf without a constant field. A much bigger problem is the realy unsteady behavior at low speeds. I'm particularly curious about a model-railroading application where there > is an unknown and variable amount of resistance between the supply unit and th e motor. If the > PWM outputs a constant current when on, and if inductive kickback can be filte red out so as not > to skew the measurements, it would seem that gunk on the rails would be a 99.4 4% non-issue with > regard to maintaining constant speed provided only that the current supply had adequate compliance > voltage. > > Is such a design practical/feasible? Well, is practically already done, but with a true DC-Motor. Any ideas how to adress the behavior at realy low speeds ? Thought about a reflex-sensor sfh 900 to do real speed regulation. WBR Stefan