Hi Guys: I added the following line in my program & turned off the cofiguration bit from Picstart menu: __CONFIG _CP_ON & _WDT_OFF & _MCLRE_OFF & _IntRC_OSC. The program is downloading with success however still doesn't work. I need to pullup three legs GP0,GP1, & GP3 and turn on a relay. I have programmed so far 10 pics, of different setups all of which with no success: It can't get anything easier, & yet it still deosn't work: LIST P=PIC12C508 #INCLUDE "C:\MPLAB\P12C508.INC" __config _WDT_OFF & _IntRC_OSC & _MCLRE_OFF & _CP_ON ORG 0X00 ;RESET VECTOR LOCATION MOVWF OSCCAL ;CALIBRATE THE INTERNAL OSCILLATOR CLRF GPIO MOVLW B'00001111' ;GP0,GP1,GP2,GP3 INPUT TRIS GPIO ;GP4,GP5 OUTPUT MOVLW B'10001111' ;PRESCALER =256 OPTION ;PULLUPS ENABLED, PSA TO TMR0 MAIN BSF GPIO,4 ;TURN ON RELAY GOTO MAIN END